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Wujood - The Grassroots Guide to Jerusalem

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En fantastisk guidebok for deg som drømmer om eller planlegger en reise til Palestina. Denne er utgitt av våre venner og samarbeidspartnere i organisasjonen Grassroots Jerusalem som blant annet organiserer alternative guidede turer for turister. Det følger med et kart over Jerusalem.

Wujood reveals the Jerusalem which most tourists do not know about. On the first hand, Wujood tells visitors where they can go and what they can see in the Eastern part of Jerusalem, providing them with practical information about places to stay, eat, and shop in the city. On the other hand, it provides the political and historical context in Jerusalem and tells its story from a Palestinian perspective. It is the story of an entire part of the city which has a lot to offer its visitors: a history-old culture and heritage, beautiful nature, delicious food, inviting families, inspiring grassroots initiatives, organizations, and more. It is also the story of an aggressive and systematic ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian Jerusalemites. Jerusalem’s borders have been redrawn over and again since the 1948 occupation, and the city’s different parts are fragmented by different borders. Wujood reunites these parts to make up the Jerusalem we historically know.

What's in Wujood? In the first chapter, “While in Jerusalem,” you’ll find all the practical information you need during your stay in Jerusalem. It includes information about hotels, restaurants, markets and shopping areas, as well as services such as transportation, health, Arabic courses and much more. In the second chapter, “The Jerusalem Story,” you’ll find information about the political context within which Palestinians in Jerusalem live. It is the story of more than a century of colonization which is still threatening to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from the city. In the third chapter, “The People of Jerusalem,” Wujood introduces you to Jerusalem’s communities. You can read about the history of Jerusalem’s neighborhoods and villages, as well as their current political reality, community organizations and grassroots initiatives. In addition, you’ll find community-based maps of these areas and information about the sites we recommend you visit there.

In the last chapter, “Around Palestine,” you’ll find information about other Palestinian cities, from Acre (Akka) in the north to the Naqab (Negev) Desert in the south, from Jericho in the east to Jaffa in the west. Just like in Jerusalem, here too you will find the forced absence of Palestinian history, culture and economy. Glossary: explaining the terminology used in the book, as well as some of the historic events or other information that helps the reader understand the context provided in the book. Recommended Readings and Films: our suggestions for further deepening of knowledge about Jerusalem and Palestine.

Språk: Engelsk
Format: Pocket
Utgivelsesår: 2019
Antall sider: 433
Forlag: Grassroots Al-Quds

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